Big Bang Theory Quiz #3 – True Fan Test

Big Bang Theory Quiz #3 – The Third Run

Let us know how you did with our first Big Bang Theory quiz and check out our other TV trivia quizzes and test your knowledge.

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Questions in this Big Bang Theory Fan quiz:

1. In which year did TBBT premiere? 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

2. In which field is Bernadette’s Ph.D.? Microbiology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology

3. Who was the only person to sign Amy’s yearbook? Her mother, her father, great aunt, great uncle

4. Who is Sheldon’s favourite superhero? The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Arrow

5. Where did Howard meet Elon Musk? Soup kitchen, Aquarium, Baseball game, Caltech

6. Which magazine was Raj featured in? People, Time, New Scientist, Wired

7. What did Sheldon find from Howard’s dad while cleaning his closet? A letter, a watch, a photograph, a wig

8. Whose parents are often seen in Skype chats? Raj’s, Penny’s, Amy’s, Leonard’s

9. Who said, “Hello, oompah-loompahs of science”? Sheldon, Howard, Penny, Emily

10. How does Sheldon make his trivial decisions easier? some D&D Dice, a lucky Coin, an app, playing cards

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