Star Wars Quiz #1 – How Good is Your Knowledge?


1) On which planet is Cloud City located?

Answer: Bespin

2) What is the name of Jabba the Hutt’s closest advisor?

Answer: Bib Fortuna

3) What do the letters T I E stand for in TIE Fighter?

Answer: Twin Ion Engines

4) What is the name of the planet which Chewbacca hails from?

Answer: Kashyyyk

5) What is the name of Leia’s adoptive father?

Answer: Bail Organa

6) What is the name of Rey’s droid?

Answer: BB-8

7) What colour is Bantha milk?

Answer: Blue

8) Which planet was the supposed birthplace of the human species?

Answer: Coruscant

9) What are the microscopic organisms that enable Force powers?

Answer: Midi-chlorians

10) What did Boba Fett fall into during the rescue of Han Solo?

Answer: A Sarlacc at the Great Pit of Carkoon

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