Warhammer 40K Quiz – Dark Angels Chapter


1. Who was the Primarch of the Dark Angels?

Answer: Lion El’Jonson

2. What was the Dark Angels homeworld called?

Answer: Caliban

3. What’s the name of the techno-medieval knights that existed upon the world of Caliban?

Answer: The Order

4. Who reportedly took the Lion Sword when he was sent through the warp?

Answer: Cypher

5. What is the name of the First Company of the Dark Angels?

Answer: Deathwing

6. What is the name of the current Grand Master of Chaplains?

Answer: Sapphon

7. Which planet is Current Supreme Grand Master Azrael from?

Answer: Kimmeria

8. The Tower of Angels is more commonly known as what?

Answer: The Rock

9. What type of space marine vehicle is the Ravenwing Darkshroud?

Answer: Land Speeder (Vengeance)

10. In which year was the Siege of The Rock?

Answer: 999.M41

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